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Benefits of Burner Maintenance

Burners are crucial components of combustion control systems, supplying the heat needed to convert water to steam. Burners should be designed to achieve the best combustion efficiency while requiring as little excess air as possible. The basic function of an industrial burner is to produce combustion by mixing fuel and air.

A burner must perform five functions:

  1. Deliver fuel to the combustion chamber

  2. Deliver air to the combustion chamber

  3. Mix the fuel and air

  4. Ignite and burn the mixture

  5. Remove the products of combustion

Choosing Hoffman Mechanical Solutions as your burner maintenance provider has the following advantages:

  • Performing routine maintenance keeps your burners and controls in good condition for many more years, extending their lifespan.

  • When a burner fails unexpectedly, business operations can be disrupted, which can be inconvenient and expensive. When technicians conduct routine maintenance, they can find and correct problems early, so breakdowns are rare.

  • Optimized burners perform more smoothly, improving efficiency and reducing operating costs.

  • Minimize greenhouse gas emissions by ensuring that the system uses fuel more efficiently.

  • Taking steps like measuring carbon dioxide levels, performing safety checks, and tightening loose connections can help you ensure the safety of your burner.

Our skilled technicians have experience working with a variety of burner manufacturers, including Weishaupt, Riello, Maxon, North American Burner, and Eclipse to name a few.

If you need to reduce your boiler’s operating costs, control emissions for compliance purposes, or just want peace of mind, now is the perfect time to schedule burner preventative maintenance with HMS. We provide technical services for commercial HVAC and hydronic equipment in the Carolinas, Virginia, Tennessee, and Georgia.

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